USACE Omaha District Photos

USACE 2022 Summer Internship Orientation Program
Joel Flere, Supervisory Civil Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Omaha District, briefs students on what to expect at Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., Aug. 5, 2022. As part of the 2022 Summer Internship Orientation Program, students were given the opportunity to see a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers construction project up close, receive a briefing on the process it takes for contracts like the ones awarded at Offutt AFB, and come to understand how USACE interacts with other U.S. Department of Defense entities, such as the U.S Air Force. (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Photo by Jason Colbert)

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Photo by: Jason Colbert |  VIRIN: 220805-A-VX940-0027.JPG