USACE Omaha District Photos

Groundbreaking ceremony for new B-21 Low Observable Restoration Facility at Ellsworth Air Force Base signifies kickoff of historic B-21 Beddown
Representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Air Force, the state of South Dakota, and industry partners gathered, May 25, 2022, to conduct an official groundbreaking ceremony for the start of the B-21 “Raider” bomber beddown at Ellsworth Air Force Base. This historic building endeavor is the first awarded B-21 military construction project Air Force-wide and will provide a Low Observable Restoration Facility with “paint booth” type functionality in support of B-21 weapons system maintenance and operations. The project also includes airfield paving, utilities, and other supporting components and infrastructure. The LOR Facility is the first of many possible projects being considered for successful delivery of the B-21 weapons system to Ellsworth Air Force Base.

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Photo by: Samuel Weldin |  VIRIN: 220525-A-OK605-0002.JPG