Location and Description: The
Yellowstone River is threatening Lower
Sweet Grass Road and the Yellowstone
River Bridge approximately one-half mile
east of Grey Cliff, Montana. After waters
receded following flooding in 1997, river channel alterations
resulted in the current directly flowing at
the bank. The flow pattern has continued
over the years, creating a pronounced “S”
curve. In several areas the embankment
is adjacent to the road.
Problem and Need: Erosion caused
by the Yellowstone River is threatening
Lower Sweet Grass Road and the
Yellowstone River Bridge. The bridge and
roadway are essential to the local farmers, the mining industry and grain producers.
The road and bridge also provide critical access for emergency services for the county.
Activities for 2015: Pending new start approval and an allocation of funds, initiate
the feasibility study by preparing the Federal Interest Determination.